
Ring Ceremony

Sajavat Decorators is the top Engagement Event planning Decoration in Ahmedabad. In Indian culture, it is an important pre-wedding ritual where couples meet each other. We at Sajavat Decorators, who are the leading event management company in Ahmedabad take care of all the wedding functions. As wedding hosts in India, we take care of all the arrangements like selection of the party grounds, catering, stage decorations and parking arrangements.

Ring ceremony brings two halves of the same soul together in the journey of life.” It is a very special moment for the bride and groom because this little ring symbolizes the ring to rule the world dependent on each other.

We organize ring ceremony function and make all essential arrangements that will fulfill your needs. When we design a complex system, we see everything; From choosing an invitation to the last person leaving. Our goal is to ensure the overall quality of wedding events.

We at Sajavat Decorators have good experience in organizing birthday parties, anniversary parties and kitty parties and much more.